Welcome to Matterhorn Laboratories, the most scientific-ist place on Earth!

You have been selected to test Matterhorn's new Energy State Swapper 2100™, or ESS for short. Swap between controlling just yourself and all of your enemies! Be careful, however, as the quantum field can collapse at the slightest hint of damage.

RMB + HOLD to activate your Matterhorn® Energy State Swapper 2100™! The ESS 2100 swaps you to your nearest target. Meanwhile, all of your enemies become proxy holograms (ooo spooky)!

Take any damage or defeat your former self and you'll collapse into your damaged state. Unfortunately, the ESS 2100 cannot handle this shock and must cool down thermally before reuse.

Please enter the trial room to your left. Your objective: clear as many floors as possible.

WASD to move, LMB to shoot.

to mute music and to toggle camera shake

Art, sound, music, and programming by Felix Liu

Made in 48 hours for GMTK 2023

Thanks for playing!

Known bugs

Scene transitions are slightly rough due to cursor lag.

Occasional issue with the flash state getting stuck, causing enemies/player to be stuck white.

Entities continue to move in a direction after swap if no input is immediately given.

The "Chill Games" splash screen uses Unity's video player component. If your browser only shows a blank or static screen after the Unity splash screen, press any key to continue.